消化系统危重、急症 如消化道大出血、休克、急性胰腺炎、肝性脑病等。(2)
消化系统常见病、多发病 如胃十二指肠溃疡、胃食管反流病、急慢性胃炎、肠炎、肝硬化、胆囊炎、溃疡性结肠炎、食管及胃肠肿瘤、胰胆肿瘤等。(3)
消化系统症状的疑难病、少见病 腹痛、腹胀、呕吐、腹泻、黄疸、腹水、隐源性消化道出血等。
Introduction of the department of gastroenterology
The department of gastroenterology is made up of outpatient department,
inpatient department and center of endoscope. There are about 20 ordinary beds
in inpatient.there are three attending physicians (master),one residency
(master),one associate chief physician and one chief physician who is engaged
from other hospital.Zhaoxu yang is a chief physician,who gained the prize of
technology bestowed by MOH and have wrote many medical works,practicing in
experts out-patient clinics and going the rounds of the wards every week .Yebin
huang, an associate chief physician, who have successfully carried out examining
and therapy with Endoscopy for more than 8000 patients,are praised by
The department is equipped with advanced equipment, applying the medical
work,educational work of medicine in the area of digestive disease .We have rich
experience in diagnosis and treatment of complex pathogenetic conditions such
a-s gastroesophugeal reflux disease,inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis,
digestive tract bleeding of different reasons, liver cirrhosis and its all
complications ,and other emergency and critical diseases of digestive
The department is equipped with advanced gastrointestinal endoscopy room,
apply-ing the technology of routine or anodynia endoscopy for diagnosis and
treatment, applying EVL,PEG, Removal of Foreign Bodies in alimentary track, 13
The department also pay much attention to researching work.we are doing the
researching work of colon carcinoma and intestinal function in patients with
chronic spinal cord injury in cooperation with department of surgery and
department of rehabilitation .we have taken part in writing many medical
In a patient-centered environment,we always deliver high quality,
efficient, and safe clinical services. Experts out-patient clinics