目前国际上对于文体疗法有几种叫法:适应性体育(adapted physical activity)、娱乐疗法(recreation
therapy)、体育运动治疗(sports therapy)、我国将其称为文体疗法也称康复体育、娱乐疗法。
Introduction to Stylistics therapy department
A therapy, sports therapy, Stylistics therapy is the use of sports items
and entertainment projects as a means of treatment of patients in rehabilitation
plays a complement and extend the role of the PT, OT therapy. Stylistics therapy
plays an important role in improving physical function in patients, to improve
the poor state of mind, courage and confidence to enhance the life and actively
participate in social activities, improve the quality of life, and reflect their
own values.The completion of the rehabilitation center in 1988, the Stylistics
therapy Division followed to carry out rehabilitation. Currently we are the only
department in Stylistics therapy project for rehabilitation.
Stylistics therapy work
Medical Gymnastics: mat hemiplegia gymnastics, sticks gymnastics,
gymnastics with cerebral palsy, wheelchair gymnastics, tai chi and other
exercises, you can improve the patient's motor dysfunction, movement
coordination, standing balance ability and range of motion.
Wheelchair skills training: wheelchair skills related to spinal cord injury
patients can return to the community, to achieve self-reliance of life.
Training: around the obstacle walking, the rotation balance training, lift the
front wheels balanced rotation, up and down at different heights, slope and
Medical sports, entertainment: adaptive track and field events (wheelchair
racing, steeplechase more, throwing, etc.), basketball, table tennis and other
ball games can improve the patient's upper body strength, motor coordination,
sitting, standing balance ability,heart and lung function, manoeuvering
wheelchairs flexibility and to improve the poor state of mind. Activities and
games with physical activity: Fishing, rings, darts, Frisbee cerebral palsy,
hemiplegia motor function improved, improve training interest.